Video Tutorial
▶️ Kleki - Introduction Tutorial (2022)This video gives you an overview and teaches you how to use Kleki's main features, including: paint bucket, import, saving as PSD, coloring an imported drawing, shortcuts, text tool, and more.
EyedropperRight Mouse Button, or Alt + Mouse
Hand ToolMiddle Mouse Button, or Space + Mouse
Hand ToolArrow keys
ZoomScroll, or hold Z + drag horizontally
Zoom+ in, - out
Rotate ViewHold R and drag (+ Shift for snapping)
Rotate ViewHold R and press ← or →
Reset RotationR + Up-Arrow
Fit Into ViewDouble click while using Hand Tool, or Home
Reset ViewEnd
UndoCtrl + Z or ⌘ + Z
RedoCtrl + Y or ⌘ + Y
HUD Color PickerCtrl + Alt or ⌘ + Alt
Line ToolHold Shift while drawing
Change Brushsize[ decrease, ] increase
Save ImageCtrl + S or ⌘ + S
Save to Browser StorageCtrl + Shift + S
or ⌘ + Shift + S -
Copy to ClipboardCtrl + C or ⌘ + C
Paste from ClipboardCtrl + V or ⌘ + V
Swap colorX
Paint BucketG
Text ToolT
Shape ToolU
Last BrushB
Toggle Eraser (Chemy/Pixel brush)Shift + E
Clear LayerDelete or Backspace
Fill LayerEnter
Relative SlidingDrag with Right Mouse Button
Relative SlidingScroll-Wheel
Manual Slider InputDouble tap/click on slider
Finegrained SlidingPull pointer away vertically
Hand ToolDrag/pinch/twist with 2 fingers
Fit Into ViewDouble tap with 1 finger
UndoTap with 2 fingers
RedoTap with 3 fingers
Video: Shortcuts

More Tools
Click on the arrow next to the paint brush to reveal more tools. These include: paint bucket, text tool, shape tool.Video: Accessing more tools

Saving Your Image
Click on File then Save. Your image will be saved on your device usually under Downloads.Keeping All Layers
Save as PSD to save your image including its layers by clicking the dropdown underneath the Save button and selecting "Save PSD". Layers will be restored when you open a PSD file. You can also open these files in other software (e.g. Krita, Clip Studio).Video: Save as PSD
Save As:
- PNG - lossless image without layers
- PSD - image including layer information (Photoshop format)
- Layers - each layer saved as a separate PNG

Importing Images
Import images from your Desktop by dragging them onto the canvas. You can then use them as a new layer or start a new image with them. Alternatively use File > Import.Supported Filetypes:
JPEG, PNG, PSD (with limitations), (SVG, WEBP, BMP, GIF)
Video: Importing images

Paint Bucket
To cleanly fill your drawing with colors (without white pixelated edges) do the following:- Draw your lines on a new layer.
- Select the layer below.
- Select the Paint Bucket and set "Grow" to a value greater than 0.
- Fill.
If areas get filled which you did not intend to fill, lower the Tolerance slider. If that doesn't help, check your lineart for small gaps. A 1 pixel gap is enough for paint to escape its enclosure.
Video: Paint Bucket

Browser Storage
Stores a snapshot of your image including layers locally in your browser. Reopening Kleki will restore the image.Important:
- The browser may delete your image unprompted if you clear your cache or run out of disk space.
- No autosaving
- Stores 1 image at a time across all tabs
Use Save for permanent storage.
Video: Browser Storage
Kleki keeps refreshing when switching tabs
If you're on a weaker computer, Chrome activates the memory saver mode, which kills tabs when you switch between them, and then triggers a refresh. This is bad for Kleki because you will lose your progress.To avoid Chrome refreshing Kleki all the time you can either deactivate Memory Saver altogether, or add Kleki to a list of sites that don't get refreshed.
Go into Chrome settings (chrome://settings) and search for "memory saver". Then either toggle memory saver, or in the bottom right press "Add" and add "". We recommend to add Kleki to the list, instead of turning off memory saver.

Pressure Sensitivity
If you use a stylus (Wacom tablet, Apple Pencil, ...) and your browser supports it, then Kleki offers pressure sensitivity. You can toggle it next to the brush sliders. That way your pen pressure can affect brush size and opacity.Video: Pressure sensitivity

Input Devices
It is recommended to use a pen/stylus for drawing because it is by far the most fun, fast, and expressive tool for drawing. Touchpads/trackpads are not suited for drawing lines.Use zoom and the stabilizer to increase the precision of your linework with any input device.

Stabilization makes it easier to control your lines by lagging behind and averaging your drawing motion. This is mostly used to create clean final lineart. It can also help making drawing easier in general when you only have a mouse.The responsiveness of no stabilization is desirable for fast sketching or for large brush sizes where jitter is less visible.
Video: Stabilizer

Failed to Initialize
If Kleki fails to initialize, one of these things might fix it:- Close the tab, clear your cache for, and reopen the page
- Update your browser
- Visit Kleki again later