Privacy Policy

Last updated: 2022-12-26

Upload of image data

At no point does Kleki upload a user's drawing without clear and explicit consent.

Upload occurs here:

None of that data is accessible to us. It will be exclusively sent to the services stated above after a user explicitly triggers the upload of their drawing.

Error Logging

Kleki logs internal errors of the application. These are privately and temporarily stored for a maximum of 1 month on a server in Germany. The purpose of error logging is to quickly track down and fix bugs within Kleki. Log entries consist of:

Feedback form

When you choose to send us feedback you give us the following data:

You can also review this data right before sending your feedback.

We collect user data solely to drive design decisions. All with the goal in mind of improving Kleki for our users. Any user data we collect won't be sold nor otherwise made available to third parties.
