About Kleki 🔊
Author: bitbof
Started in 2010, Kleki aims to be the goto tool for quickly creating fun paintings. It is universally accessible through the browser without any installation and allows anyone to start sketching in less than one second. Kleki is open-source, community funded and is currently developed & maintained by the programmer/artist bitbof. This site considers the act of making art a protected activity which should not be intruded by ads. Kleki is inspired by early web applets for drawing like Oekaki Shi-Painter and Lascaux Sketch. Kleki's "sketchy" brush is inspired by Harmony.

To create/update a translation, download one of the language sheets, then e-mail the result to the address at the top of this page. Alternatively, create a pull request on GitHub.
You can also contribute translations for the subtitles of the official Introduction Tutorial. Here is the english .vtt file.
Kleki's source code is officially available as Klecks on GitHub. Sometimes you can access new features early in it.
Logo and Branding
Kleki's brand colors are #2b63f8 and white. Kleki's logo features a dynamic joyous character with a paint brush tuft haircut and an eye that resembles the cutout of a painter's palette. Copyright belongs to bitbof. Logomark and logotype:
Roadmap / Next Up (updated 2023-11-08)
Visit the Blog for development updates. Upcoming:- Zooming and panning in previews (work in progress)
- Select tool (work in progress)
- Minimize use of HTML Canvas elements -> prevent data loss, improve performance
- Smaller improvements to Chemy brush
- Layers overhaul (alpha lock, visibility toggle, clipping mask)
To Explore Beyond That
- Auto save, prevent data loss- Better transform (not in a dialog)
- Better text tool (not in a dialog, usable on tablets, more fonts & typography controls)
- WebGL/WebGPU based rendering & brush engine
- Better brush engine (textures, blur, scatter, real opacity)
- Crazy morph brushes
- Filter: selective color adjustment
- Support for OpenRaster (open alternative to PSD)
- More flexible UI
- Symmetry tool (all brushes, and perhaps other tools)
- Clipping layers & layer masks
- Utilize Native File System API
- Line constraint tools
- More powerful console api
- More customizable UI
- Optimize for VR
- Optimize for brain interfaces
- Optimize for collaboration
- Color palettes
- Pressure curve settings
- Pan and zoom in previews
- Expand team
- Filter: Mirror
- Generators: Pattern
- Pixel Brush scaling (scaled up pixels while drawing)
- More shapes for shape tool
- Patterns for brushes
- Curved line in shape tool
- Timelapse export
- Customizable brushes
- Progressive Web App (for offline support)
- A single HTML file that can run offline
- Save imported fonts
- Preset values for sliders
- Something missing? Contact me with ideas.
Sound good? Help accelerate Kleki's development. Donate